Delegate work to freelancers... quickly, painlessly & successfully

The no-fluff, to-the-point course that shows you exactly what to do to find, hire, train, and manage an online freelancer.

Even if you don't have any prior experience or don't have a lot of time.

Would you like to get some work off your plate, but don't really know where to start when it comes to outsourcing?

Maybe you're drowning in work, but don't really know which tasks to outsource.

Or, maybe you've tried hiring a freelancer before, but failed to get a good result.

It can be tricky to find, hire, and work with online freelancers. That's why I created this course — so that my students can get the step-by-step instructions for having success with any online freelancer. 


The step-by-step path to outsourcing & delegation success

In this course you'll dive into:

  • Finding and hiring your perfect freelancer in a week or less (without burning tons of time or money, or getting bogged down in uncertainty)
  • Freeing up your own time and getting back to doing work you LOVE (without feeling like managing your online assistant is a second job!)
  • Exactly how to get incredible results and quality work from your freelancer (instead of reviewing work that's so riddled with errors, you wish you had just done the task yourself!)
  • And much, much more

Let's get you some help with the hundreds of tasks on your plate.

Have you ever wondered how others manage to "do it all"?

I'll let you in on a little secret...they don't.

They've found ways to systematize, outsource, and delegate time-consuming work to others!

It's a skill you can easily learn, so that you can...

  • Spend less time working and more time on yourself,
  • Hit your 12 month goals in 3 months (or sooner),
  • Scale your business and buy that vacation home,
  • Extricate yourself from the mountain of duties that are burning you out
  • Finally embody the total BOSS that you know you ARE!

Until I took this course, I used to think, ‘I'm just unable to work with a virtual assistant!’

I wish I could go back 5 years and do this course. I now have SOPs to teach any person (who has my values) how to do what I need them to do.

I am no longer the highest paid secretary in the world.

— Dr. Brandie

Owner of 5 chiropractic offices | Educator | Course Creator

My journey with outsourcing started when I was deep in burnout...

Hey, it's Carey here!

I hired my first VA when I was working my 9-5 corporate job.

I didn't feel AT ALL ready for the fact, I suffered from a severe case of what Chris Ducker calls "Superhero Syndrome," where I felt the need to do everything myself!

But I was already so burned out and I knew I needed to level up my game just to keep going.

Feeling unprepared the whole time, I somehow found and hired my first assistant.

Flash forward a few months later...I negotiated a 2x raise in my corporate job, because my productivity had gone through the roof.

And that was just the start of what outsourced help has contributed to my lifestyle and business.

...It helped us grow Lifehack Method to the high 6-figures (without ever working more than 40 hours a week...)

...It helped us travel around the world, living in 33 countries and learning foreign languages, because we weren't hunched over a desk all day long...

...It helped me take a full 6 months completely off work for maternity leave when I had our baby, Genevieve...

...and SO MUCH more!

I've hired and trained dozens of online freelancers while growing Lifehack Method. It's something I love showing others how to do because I've experienced firsthand the HUGE difference it can make.

So if you know this is something you should be doing...

This course is the perfect place to start.

You'll get the training, the step-by-step instructions, and the templates that will make it easy to hire your own VA (or any freelancer).

I'm so excited to see how you can leverage this resource to free up your time and maximize your impact in the world.

- Carey

The Step-By-Step Plan

Here's how you'll learn to find, hire, and confidently and successfully delegate to anyone you hire — in hours, not months.

Step 1: Get Excited & Ready

You don't need experience. You don't need to see yourself as a "leader." What you do need are the right expectations and mindsets so that you know what you're in for, and how you can start off on exactly the right foot.

I'll give you the lay of the land of the online hiring space. And I'll show you how to tell if you're going to get really good value from hiring an online assistant.

Then, I'll show you exactly how to make a list of your first 5 tasks to outsource. These are things that are going to be a huge weight off your shoulders once they're no longer on your plate!

By the end of this module, you'll know:

  • How to know if you're ready for a freelancer...and if you're not, the preparation steps to take to be 100% ready
  • How to avoid the top limiting mindsets — these sabotage managers no matter how good their intentions are
  • My hack to identify your first 5 tasks to outsource — and how to continually make sure you're outsourcing only high-ROI tasks that give a great return on investment

Step 2: Lightning-Fast Preparation

One of the most common reasons people get stuck when hiring a freelancer is a lack of knowledge of where, how, and what to do for finding the right person.

I'll shortcut you to the best hiring platforms online, and give you the exact templates I use for writing my job postings. Then, I'll show you the best, quickest way to conduct your interviews, and show you my secret for identifying a really good candidate from the many, many candidates who look good on paper but don't have the qualities you're looking for.

By the end of this module, you'll know:

  • Exactly which hiring platform is the right one for your needs — so that you don't have to research the dozens of  available platforms and services
  • How to write a crystal-clear job posting that attracts the right candidates — and keeps the wrong ones from even applying
  • My job posting templates — you can copy & paste these and save yourself hours in writing your job listing!
  • My interview system that takes the guess work out of what to say, what to ask, and what to look for — so that you don't waste time and energy interviewing your candidates
  • My post-interiew superhack for finding a candidate who works well with you (hint: it's impossible to know this for sure from the interview alone)
  • All the key tech you need to hire and outsource with ease
  • Plus, a full demo tutorial of me posting a job — so that you have an exact demo to follow when you post your own

Step 3: Hire the Freelancer of Your Dreams

You've posted your job listing. You've interviewed your candidates. Now, how do you go about making the right hiring decision?

Thanks to all the preparation you've done in the previous two modules, this step will be fast and easy. I'll show you how to qualify your applicants and confidently hire a freelancer.

By the end of this module, you'll know:

  • How to rapidly qualify your applicants based on their interview and test assignment
  • Two full case studies of hiring decisions I've made, so you can see the full behind-the-scenes process
  • My copy-and-paste templates for making an offer, and for letting the other applicants down easy
  • How to address your pre-hiring jitters and concerns, including how much to pay your freelancer

Step 4: Get Off on the Right Foot

Now that you've hired your freelancer, it's time to get to the part that really benefits YOU — getting work off your plate!

Most managers (experienced and not) stumble at this step and fail to initiate a postive, productive relationship with their freelancer.

I'll show you how to delegate tasks that get done 100% correctly, using my "unscrewup-able" delegation system. I'll also give you my process and templates for onboarding your freelancer, and show you how to evaluate their performance.

By the end of this module, you'll know:

  • How to make your assignments "unscrewup-able" — this also prevents your freelancer from badgering you all day with questions, sucking up any time you gained from hiring them!
  • How to onboard your freelancer with my copy & paste templates and onboarding process
  • How to evaluate your freelancers' performance after one month
  • Tips and tricks for leveling up your leadership and managerial skills (it's a two way street after all!)

Step 5: Become an Outsourcing Badass

You're off to a great start, and now it's time to make sure your initial success continues. I'll show you the skills you need to support you for the long run.

By the end of this module, you'll know:

  • How to be an awesome client, who your freelancer can't wait to work with
  • How to dodge advanced delegation pitfalls that can trip up even the most experienced managers
  • How to lead great team meetings that your team looks forward to attending
  • How to be considerate of other countries and cultures who have different work styles
  • My favorite done-for-you hiring services at a variety of price points that can take step #3 off your plate (if you wish)


Q&A Support With Carey

I want you to know that I have your back throughout this entire process, so I've added a private question box to every single page in the course.

That means you can contact me via that question box to get your personal questions answered, whenever they come up.

My goal is to clear the path for you, and that's why I answer each question personally. (That's one task I won't be delegating!)

"This course was the first time I saw myself as a leader because it taught me how to hold people accountable."

I think being uncomfortable with conflict and being unable to hold other people accountable was probably the root cause of my burnout...and I actually started learning how to do that through this course.

I learned more in this course than I probably did in most of my college courses. I would consider it a college level course. It gave me the tools to hold people accountable, make good hiring decisions and keep my team engaged.

Thank you sincerely, Carey!"

— Karen M.

When you register, you'll also get immediate access to these bonuses:


Expert Interviews

I had the pleasure of interviewing two delegation gurus:

Chris Ducker, bestselling author of Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business, and...

Ari Meisel, a productivity expert who helps entrepreneurs Optimize, Automate and Outsource aspects of their business.

You'll get full access to those two full interviews, where I pick their brains on how to approach delegation and outsourcing.

I know you'll love the actionable pointers they'll share with you.


Carey's Starter SOP Library

Standard Operating Procedures can take a long time to create, so I'm going to shortcut you.

I'm going to give you a library of 22 SOPs you can simply copy and paste for yourself, or use as inpsiration for when you're creating your own.

My goal with this bonus is to increase your confidence in writing stellar SOPs, and of course save you the time and headache of writing your own from scratch.


Insider Advice from a Professional Virtual Assistant

I sat down with experienced professional VA Aiden McFarland from my team to pick his brain on the VA's perspective.

His advice will help you navigate the manager-VA relationship with ease and give you a down-to-earth insider's perspective and debunk common misconceptions.

Every manager, whether new or experienced, will gain clarity from hearing what Aiden has to say in this interview!

You get instant and lifetime access to everything in the course:

  • 29 to-the-point video lessons that walk you step-by-step, in detail, though my hiring and managing process (and show you how to do it quickly, painlessly, and successfully)
  • Copy & paste templates you can use to make every aspect of hiring and managing easier and faster
  • Real-life case studies from my own hiring experiences (the good, the bad, and the ugly...I'm pulling back the whole curtain with this one)
  • Bonus #1: Expert Interviews with two of the top delegation gurus who share their valuable and actionable pointers with you
  • Bonus #2: Carey's Starter SOP Library with her own Standard Operating Procedures you can copy and paste for yourself, or use as inspiration for creating your own
  • Bonus #3: Insider Advice From A Professional Virtual Assistant to give you the inside scoop on what makes the manager-VA relationship successful from the standpoint of an experienced professional VA

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This week, I binge-watched the entire course.

I took great notes and I learned a lot of things that will help me avoid the headaches I've had with some past VAs.

I posted Carey's ad almost word for word and in 10 minutes I had a woman who messaged me, lit on fire for my mission and business who begged me to pick her.

She was way, way less than my budget but had the qualifications I wanted. She was thrilled with her rate and got right to work.

She checked tasks off my list with more communication than any VA I've ever had.

I made up the cost of the course in the first shift my VA worked.

I'm able to hang with my daughter for the first time in a long time and get a pedicure while others are working behind the scenes.

It's been a long year of not getting stuff done, and the sense of calm that I now have is amazeballs.

Carey's course really lays out what you need to do to get someone great and start out on the right foot.

Thank you sincerely, Carey!

— Dr. Brandie

Owner of 5 chiropractic offices | Educator | Course Creator

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive access to the course?
Once we receive your order, you will receive you access credentials via email in 10-15 minutes.
How long will it take me to hire a freelancer?

Once you have your online hiring system up and running, hiring a freelancer using my method can be as quick as 48 hours.

I would budget about 2 weeks if you're just getting started.

(By the way, that won't be 2 full weeks of work for you. It'll only be about 5-8 hours of actual work for the hiring process on your part!)

How long will the course take me?

The course has 5 parts and 29 lessons. You'll want to budget 2-4 hours to work through the content, and several additional hours to do the one-time setup work too.

The course is 100% self-paced, and you have unlimited access to the content and materials so you can go as fast or slow as you'd like.

You'll get direct support from me (Carey!) via the Q&A box at the bottom of each page.

It’s a little upfront investment that’ll save you hours in the long run.

Can I hire an international freelancer if I want?

Absolutely, the global freelancer market is at your fingertips. You'll be able to hire someone from a specific market of your choice or from a global pool of applicants.

We’ll provide recommendations for our favorite places to source international freelancers. And you’ll also get some discount codes so you can try them out.

I don’t run a business. Will this still work for me?

YES. This is the exact process we’ve used to hire house staff, nannies, drivers, and personal assistants, as well as freelancers for our business. Whether you’re an employee or business owner, you’ll be fully supported so you’re ready to outsource anything. 

Household tasks, work tasks, you name it.

I’ve hired before but it’s never worked out. How do I know this is going to work for me?

If you've been frustrated or had bad experiences in the past, this course will help you dodge the all-too-common pitfalls of online outsourcing and hone your delegation skills.

Delegation and management are skills that can be learned. We show you exactly how to become better at hiring AND management. So you can make your next hire your most successful one.

And you can lean on me in the Q&A box to answer all your questions and concerns.

Does it apply to hiring any type of staff?

You'll learn how to hire a specialist of any sort or a general administrative assistant. I've had clients hire technical support, website developers, business development specialists, virtual assistants, video editors, bookkeepers, tax professionals, lawyers...the list goes on and on. 

What's the refund policy?
This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, which means that if you check it out and decide it's not for you, you can email us and request a refund within 30 days after your purchase.
Who will get value from this course?
I designed this course for anyone who has never hired anyone online before, but it is also an incredible resource for anyone who wants to fully master the online hiring process.

If you've been frustrated or had bad experiences in the past, this course will help you dodge the all-too-common pitfalls of online outsourcing and hone your delegation skills.

Can your team hire someone for me?
We don't provide those services here at Lifehack Method. However, in the course I will be recommending several done-for-you services that knock it out of the park.

So if hiring online isn't really your thing, you'll also learn how to outsource the outsourcing! #someta

If you choose a done-for-you service, this course will give you the structure and systems you'll need to make your freelancer an unmitigated WIN for you, including the pre-hire and post-hire steps that most managers skip.

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About Demir & Carey Bentley

Demir & Carey are the co-founders of The Lifehack Method, an international productivity company.

Their team has shown over 50,000 professionals the techniques they need to be maximally effective at work and in their personal lives, saving hundreds of thousands of hours and creating millions more in revenue for their clients.

Sought-after coaches, speakers, and Forbes contributors, their work is featured in media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg, CNBC, Washington Post, and many more.

The Bentleys live in different cities around the world going where they want, when they want. Their main base of operations is Medellin, Colombia.